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Posts Tagged ‘trying to conceive

TLC has a New Show Online about Women Trying To Conceive.  The concept:

Each participant in the series received several First Response testing kits and a digital video camera to document their lives and progress over the next seven months. The women send the footage to TLC producers, who edit the videos and post them online within a few days. Each participant also will contribute to a blog on the show’s Web site. First Response guided TLC in selecting the participants, and fertility specialist Peter Ahlering, a spokesperson for First Response, appears in informational videos on the site.


I just found out my favorite actress, Amy Adams is pregnant and due in the Spring.  What is everyone, except me, drinking or eating. It seems like a bunch of people are getting pregnant 😦

We’ll just have to continue trying.

A few days later…the pain went away and no infection.  Hope the pain was due to my period.   I don’t want anymore of this pain I have things to do…like make a baby.  This is the month…I hope.  Is anyone else out there trying?  Tips?


Today I should be getting my period but I haven’t yet. I hate this monthly dance I take with my period but I know it has to be.  I will wait for two weeks after today to take a pregnancy test. I refuse to take one early than that.  I don’t think I have a period problem keeping me from getting pregnant but then again I’m not a doctor.   Some period problems are;

  • Amenorrhea which is having no period.
  • Oligomenorrhea which is irregular period, skipping of one or more periods.
  • PMS which we women know exactly what this is.
  • Dysmenorrhea which is the menstrual cramping from mild to debilitating.
  • Periods that are too long or too heavy.

I know I keep procrastinating but I gave myself a deadline, by December I have to make any appointment with a GYN.


I don’t know if I’ve mentioned this in another post but if not here it is. The 10 Foods to Increase Sperm Count according to Modern Mom.

  1. Oysters
  2. Spinach
  3. Eggs
  4. Fruit Salad
  5. Walnut
  6. Almonds
  7. Brazilian Nuts
  8. Water
  9. Whole Grain
  10. Decaffeinated Beverages

I see a trip to the Super Market  right about now.

Good News for Heidi Klum she welcomes a daughter into the world.  As for myself  18 days later and my period is here 😦

I’m giving myself until December until I make a visit to the Fertility clinic. First I need to make a GYN appt. I’m not crazy about the Gyn Dr I have now so I’m looking for another Dr.  The only thing is that the doctor I have now is within walking distance which is great.   Why can’t dr’s just make house calls it would make my life so much easier.

pastedgraphic-4_textmediumA lot of women trying to conceive take countless amounts of ovulation and  pregnancy test and it isn’t cheap.  I have found the Sacred Heart Mission  a not-for-profit organization dedicated to improving the health of pregnant mothers and their babies through charitable giving are offering 10 Ovulation or Pregnancy kits for FREE.


My period is a week late and I refuse to take a test. It was negative last week when I checked and I don’t want to be disappointed again. If it still hasn’t made an appearance the next couple of days, I will take a test this weekend.  Cross my fingers and what the hell cross my toes. If not this time around I’ll hope for next month and after that I will seriously need to see a GYN.

For those of us thinking of extending our family or trying to conceive here is a checklist that will help to guide us.  The checklist deals with Health/Medical, Emotional/Personal, and Financial.


Health & Medical

If you don’t already have an obstetrician or other practitioner (midwife, etc.), you’ll want to select one.

Look into your family’s medical history. (Don’t forget your partner’s family!) Your practitioner may want to review this at your preconception visit.

Consider genetic testing in order to rule out (or be aware of) potential issues that can be passed on to your baby.

Talk to your practitioner about any prescription or over-the-counter medications you’re currently taking.

See your dentist; periodontal disease can have adverse affects on a growing baby.

Quit any smoking (even socially), and be careful of second-hand smoke.

Assess and try to eliminate environmental toxins that you are exposed to in your home or workplace (radiation, certain cleaning solvents, pesticides, etc.)

If you are overweight or underweight, you might consider reaching a healthy weight for pregnancy.

Start taking a prenatal vitamin and folic acid.

Pregnancy can be a time of great emotional upheaval caused by your body’s increase in hormone production. Keep this in mind if you or close family members have suffered from depression. In order to minimize any potential distress during pregnancy, you might want to speak with a therapist before trying to conceive.

Do something fun and exciting that you might not be able to do for the next nine (plus) months. (Some ideas: a skydiving excursion with friends or a wine-tasting weekend with your partner.)


It’s not too early to review your finances and the expenses of a growing family.

Look into what your health insurance covers for pregnancy and delivery.

If you are employed, find out what kind of maternity leave programs your company offers.


If you’re using contraception other than a diaphragm or condoms, discontinue use carefully and gradually. The sudden stopping of some hormone-based birth control can cause irregular bleeding and/or other problems.

Start charting your menstrual cycle so you know when you will be ovulating.

Stock up on pregnancy tests. Once you stop using contraception, you’ll want to take a test every week. (Although who can wait that long? Accept that you just might waste a whole bunch of tests!)

Start tracking your basal body temperature.
