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Posts Tagged ‘Women’s Health

I went to the OBGYN today after 2+ years of procrastinating.  She asked a bunch of questions which was great, exam, more questions, possible diagnosis and blood test to confirm. Results possibly on Monday to determine if I have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome but all roads lead to yes thus far. I guess all I can do now is wait and educate myself on my possible diagnosis.

Last week I went to the GYN. I knew I was there to get my ovaries checked to make sure I didn’t have polycystic ovarian disease. I was dumbfounded when the technician inserted this huge white apparatus into me. What the hell! I wasn’t prepared but thankfully I did not have any cysts.

My period is late again so the doctor gave me 5 pills to take after the 7th day of my cycle. Now all I have to do is sit and wait. Tomorrow I have another appointment with the GYN but this time is for the well overdue annual pap.  I just hope I don’t get my period tomorrow, that’ll suck.

I’m 23 days late and I keep taking pregnancy test and they are all NEGATIVE. I finally made an appointment with the GYN. I wanted to be seen today but the best they could do was on Monday. Monday is a holiday so I can make it. I was reading some reasons why a test would be negative and one of them was an ectopic pregnancy and with that I picked up the phone and made the appointment.   Has anyone else gone through this?

For the last few days I’ve had this annoying pain in my bladder area. I thought it was due to my period but now my period is gone and this annoying pain still continues. I’m trying to figure out what to do, go to the ER, to an Urgent Care Clinic (which closes @ 3pm today) or do nothing.  I was looking online and it might me a UTI or a bladder infection.   I just don’t know what to do. I’m drinking cranberry juice at the moment and when I finish I should take a shower and make a decision.

pastedgraphic-4_textmediumA lot of women trying to conceive take countless amounts of ovulation and  pregnancy test and it isn’t cheap.  I have found the Sacred Heart Mission  a not-for-profit organization dedicated to improving the health of pregnant mothers and their babies through charitable giving are offering 10 Ovulation or Pregnancy kits for FREE.