Babyblizz's Blog

Posts Tagged ‘baby

Baby Buggy is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing New York City’s families in need with essential equipment, clothing, and products for their infants and young children.  You can Volunteer, Recycle, and Give.

Yes, it’s been awhile. So to update, I do not have Polycystic ovaries and all my blood test came back normal. Now I’m taking 50mg of Clomid and taking ovulation test. If the ovulation tests show that I’m not ovulating then the next step is increasing the dosage of Clomid for the next cycle. Well see how this goes and then after three months of this take a sono to make sure I have not developed any cysts.  After this there is a whole lot more she told me that would have to be done. Who would have known it was gonna be a pain in the ass to get pregnant.   Hope you’re having an easier time at this than I am.

Do you remember watching Saved By The Bell?  If you don’t they give it on TBS in the mornings. The reason I’m mentioning this is because one of the actresses from the show (Tiffani Thiessen)looks so pretty pregnant. I hope that when or if I get pregnant I’ll look like her.


One of the things I often think about is how it seems like a reflex to some people to touch a woman’s belly when she’s pregnant.  I don’t like to be touched now and I don’t want to be touched by anyone while pregnant. So instead of telling people all the time I should wear something stating so.

Just found a website I wanted to share, BabyBuggy. It was founded by Jessica Seinfeld (Jerry’s wife). It’s a non profit organization that collects both new and gently used baby items to help families in need.  I think they only help families in the New York City area but you can check out the site and find out more.

A few days later…the pain went away and no infection.  Hope the pain was due to my period.   I don’t want anymore of this pain I have things to do…like make a baby.  This is the month…I hope.  Is anyone else out there trying?  Tips?

The other day I went to so some shopping and I picked up a Gerber’s Banana Fruit cup. I love the taste of it.  When I went to check out the cashier asked me “how old are your little ones?”  I wanted to kill her!  I told her I didn’t have any children then she started to tell me about her kids and how her husband cheated on her.  WAY TO MUCH INFORMATION.   Now I’ll have to think twice before I buy baby food.


Do you have a favorite picture of your baby? What if you could always see that picture in the form of a Diaper Bag? Well its’ do-able at You can customize a Photo Diaper Bag.

how_does_workFor those women that have or are planning on having a Cesarean an underwear has been designed for you.

C-Panty is underwear designed by a Mom and MD team to address post-Cesarean recovery concerns including scarring, swelling, sensitivity and discomfort.